Hello world! I am a Java beginner, just started to learn java today. I'm not a programmer, computer engineer, technician, or anyone who know Java at all. I'm just an average Joe who felt interested with this Java programming. I saw what Java is capable of and I'm astonished. From internet applet, game to small smart phone applications, all of them involved Java. I'm impressed by it's possibility. I want to master it!
I don't know if I am able to master this programming language, but I'm ready to put hard work on it. I don't have strong background knowledge about Java. All I know are some basic html code and visual basic code.
The reason I write this blog is to record and summarized what I have learn about Java everyday. It can be serve as note for me to refresh my memory every time I see it. As for you who are reading, if you are also interested about Java, I hope we can share experiences and knowledge here. Feel free to drop a comment!
2012 Apocalypse
14 years ago
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